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Napoleon Multifunctional warming rack for Prestige® /PRO 500

SKU: 71500 Category: Tag:

The Napoleon Grilling Rack is made from premium, heavy gauge stainless steel.



The Napoleon Multifunctional Grilling Rack is made from premium, heavy gauge stainless steel so it can stand up to anything you want to throw at it. Wings? No problem! Ribs? No problem! Stuffed mushrooms and peppers? No problem! Salmon? No Problem! It replaces the warming rack of Napoleon’s Prestige 500 and Prestige PRO 500 and PRO 825 models. This custom engineered barbecue grill accessory provides holders for cooking various appetizers, chicken legs, seafood, bread and more! Use this grilling rack to increase your barbecue innovation. You can feed a whole crowd using only the warming rack of your barbecue grill, leaving the main cooking grids available for even more food, the main course, dessert or even more food. Clever, multifunctional and easy to maintain, every kitchen benefits from the addition of a Napoleon barbecue accessory. Our accessories provide you with the essentials to create delicious grilled food and then some to enhance your cooking arsenal with a wide variety of creative additions to broaden your culinary horizons.

Additional information

Weight 141.07 lbs
Dimensions 29.5 × 9 × 2.5 in
Weight (Lbs)

Width (Inches)

Height (Inches)

Depth (Inches)


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